
  • Madden, E.B., Bislick, L., Silkes, J.P., and Kendall, D.L. (2024). Phonomotor Treatment for Post-Stroke Anomia, Alexia, and Apraxia of Speech. Platform presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.
  • Sen, C. and Silkes, J.P. (2024). The Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Attentional Blink Paradigm in Aphasia. Poster presented at the 52nd Annual North American Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.
  • Kim, H., Di Carlo-Wagner, J., and Silkes, J.P. (2023) Reforming our Forms: Aphasia and Informed Consent. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Ricciardulli, S., Chavez Corona, M., and Silkes, J.P. (2023). Speed of Attentional Engagement in Aphasia: Evidence from a Visual Presence / Absence Judgment Measure. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Sen, C. and Silkes, J.P. (2023). Exploring the attentional blink in aphasia using pupillometry. Poster presentation at the 2023 Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
  • Tariq, A. and Silkes, J.P. (2023). Making an Anomia Treatment App: What do SLPs Value? Poster presentation at the California Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
  • Di Carlo-Wagner, J.M., Kim, H., and Silkes, J.P. (2023). Informed consent: research studies and people with aphasia. Poster presented at the SDSU Student Symposium.
  • Chavez Corona, M., Ricciardulli, S., Talamantes, A., and Silkes, J.P. (2023). Linguistic and non-linguistic visual processing in aphasia. Poster presented at the SDSU Student Symposium.
  • Sen, C. and Silkes, J.P. (2023). “Blink before you speak”: Exploring the attentional blink in aphasia in linguistic and non-linguistic contexts. Oral presentation at the SDSU Student Research Symposium.
  • Pankonin, A.H. and Silkes, J.P. (2022). The Time Course of Automatic Spreading Activation in Aphasia: A Masked Priming and ERP Investigation. Technical Research Presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Mueller^, S., Wan^, S., and Silkes, J.P. (2022). Repetition priming treatment for anomia: effects of a multiple-exemplar protocol. Poster presentation at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
  • Zimmerman, R., Dickey, M.W., Silkes, J.P., and Kendall, D. (2022). Baseline semantic and phonological abilities as predictors of anomia treatment outcomes. Platform presentation at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
  • Wan^, S., Mueller^, S., and Silkes, J.P. (2022). Explicit repetition priming in treatment of anomia. Poster presentation at the SDSU Student Research Symposium.
  • Hill^, L. and Silkes, J.P. (2021). Online Administration of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
  • Greenspan, W., Silkes, J.P., Vieira, S., Zimmerman, R., and Martin, N. (2021). Hidden Abilities, Hidden Disabilities: Assessment at the Margins of Aphasia. Oral Seminar presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
  • Silkes, J.P., Tabrizi^, R., and Walton^, L.T. (2021). A preliminary exploration of repetition priming treatment for anomia. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, held virtually due to COVID-19.
  • Castro, N., Kendall, D.L, and Silkes, J.P. (2021). Phonological structure of the lexicon as a predictor of response generalization in aphasia treatment. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, held virtually due to COVID-19.
  • Hill^, L. and Silkes, J.P. (2021). Online Administration of the Comprehensive Aphasia Test. Poster presentation at the SDSU Student Research Symposium. 
  • Silkes, J.P. (2020). Memory, Attention & Aphasia: What to think about, how to measure it, and why it matters. Invited talk for the Medical Speech-Language Pathology Council of California.
  • Tabrizi, R. and Silkes, J.P. (2020). Explicit repetition priming in treatment of anomia. Poster presentation at the San Diego State University Student Research Symposium.
  • Silkes, J.P., Kendall, D., Castro, N., Bislick, L., Zimmerman, R., Hunting Pompon, R., and Madden, E. (2019). Maximizing outcomes in restorative aphasia treatment: Models, measures, and predictors. Platform presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Lalli, S.K. and Silkes, J.P. (2019). Attentional Blink effects for linguistic and non-linguistic stimuli in aphasia. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Walton, L. and Silkes, J.P. (2019). Effects of word prime repetition treatment on anomia. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention, Orlando, FL.